
July 18, 2023

Downsizing Dilemma: You’re getting push-back from your parents when your talk to them about downsizing

Downsizing at any age can be an emotional rollercoaster, but it can be especially life-altering for seniors. As we age, accepting change becomes more burdensome. And moving away from their familiar and safe surroundings can bring out many mixed emotions for your parents. As an adult child trying to help your parents downsize, most experts will advise you to approach the situation with patience and love. For many seniors, it can be overwhelming and scary. They may be afraid of losing control over their life and independence. It can be frustrating to receive push-back from your parents when you do […]
November 10, 2022

The sky isn’t falling and Saint John real estate prices are holding strong

I like to look for the silver lining in a dark cloud, despite all the media theatrics about the real estate market. Homeowners in Greater Saint John are well positioned with more equity in their homes. The good news is that home prices in our region are holding strong. We’ve held onto the increase in value from the past two years. In fact, the median price of a residential home in October of 2022 was $262,500 – up 7% from October of 2021. Real estate agents in Saint John, NB are seeing lots of buyers who are still interested in […]
June 1, 2022


If you’re planning on finding your next dream home, then you’re probably going to view several homes on the market that meet your criteria. You will want to make the right purchasing decision for you and your family. So, it’s wise to be savvy when viewing properties for sale. Here are some ideas on how to do that: • Bring a notepad. Take notes, not only of the home’s characteristics, but also of how you feel. For example, can you imagine yourself happily cooking up a storm in the kitchen? Do you see yourself entertaining family on the back deck? […]
June 1, 2022


Have you ever driven by a For Sale sign and wondered, “That house has been on the market for a long time, I wonder why it isn’t selling”? You might have asked that question because you were worried the same thing would happen when you put your own house on the market! Often a home doesn’t sell for one of three reasons: The price is too high. Sometimes a homeowner will set the listing price exceptionally high in the hopes of getting lucky. What happens instead, however, is potential buyers stay away. In today’s real estate market, a house usually […]
June 1, 2022


If you’re planning on putting your home on the market, you probably know the basics of what buyers want to see. Clean and uncluttered rooms. Comfortable living room. Functional and spacious kitchen. Bright, modern bathrooms. However, there are some things that today’s buyers are looking for that you might not have considered. Here’s the rundown: • Smart storage space. Today’s buyers love to see organized closets, attractive shelving, storage nooks, built-in bookshelves, linen closets, and other storage options that are as functional as they are attractive. • Energy-efficient fixtures. Buyers are impressed by lighting that is good-looking but is also […]
June 1, 2022


You’ve probably heard the expression, “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.” When it comes to selling your home, that is definitely true. In fact, a buyer will come to several conclusions about your property within the first few minutes of seeing it. That’s why it’s so important to make a good first impression. How do you do that? One of the best techniques is to pretend you’re a buyer. Drive up to your home. Open the door. Step into the foyer. Take a quick look around. Then ask yourself, “What impressions am I getting from […]